Your true traveller finds boredom rather agreeable than painful.
It is the symbol of his liberty - his excessive freedom.
He accepts his boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically,
but almost with pleasure.

Aldous Huxley

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall is Falling into the wise wisdom of darkness...

Last week end my girlfriend and I went on a bicycle stroll qround Montréal, trying to fight a bit the depression of mid-terms and nasty autumn. So we followed the bike paths of Le Plateau, equiped with our respective camera, ready to take pictures of everything pretending to be photographs. But I saw quite a lot of people doing the same so at least we are not the only one. Then I realized that every films is kind of blurred, and the pictures have a strange grain on them... sad, terrible, and agnostic.
Indeed, we biked! Beyond dead leaves and crooked sidewalks, we biked. What an amazing experience! The way pedals go round and round will always fascinate me. Yet for the conservative mind who may soon loose an election, things don't go that round! Ha.
So, appart my metaphoric experiences, I also took useless pictures. Above is the Boulangerie Mr Pinchot, where the masses gather on dirty evenings of afternoons. The kind suddenness of things rencently over-spured me in such a fashion that I nearly lost my senses, but in fact no. The Bell of the Lilliput is ringing, and we all know what it means.

The Laurier/St Laurent firemen station !!!


Anonymous said...

la photo avec la vielle Mercury fait vraiment ancienne, c'etait une bonne idée de la mettre en presque noir et blanc.